A Lie [group](Groups.md) is a type of [infinite Group](Infinite%20group.md) with group operations given by differentiable functions.
A Lie Group is a [[differentiable manifold]] with the property that make it a group. That is,
a smooth manifold $G,$ is a Lie group if it is equipped with a product
$G\times G \rightarrow G$
In addition, the inverse map is also smooth.
A Lie Group is also a [continuous group](Continuous%20groups.md) since smooth maps are also [continuous](Maps.md#Continuous%20maps). ^60524f
# Lie subgroups
# Matrix and non-matrix Lie groups
A Lie Group may be a [matrix Lie group](Matrix%20Lie%20group.md) or a [non-matrix Lie groups](Non-matrix%20Lie%20groups.md).
# Lie group dimensionality
Note that the dimensionality of a Lie Group is defined as $\mathrm{dim}/\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathrm{dim}/\mathbb{C}$, which for us will be relevant when looking at the dimensionality of [matrix Lie group](Matrix%20Lie%20group.md)s.
A Lie Group elements are [matrix exponentials](Matrix%20exponentials.md), which give the [Lie group representation](Lie%20group%20representations.md).